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UCloud Tutorial: SSH Connection to UCloud using Terminal or VSCode

Direct SSH Connection is available for a range of different UCloud applications:

This tutorial provided a step-by-step guide on how to connect the UCloud application directly to a Terminal or VSCode application on your local PC.

It will also be shown how to setup a conda environment and how to run a jupyter notebook through VSCode.

Prerequisite reading:

Add public SSH key to UCloud

Step 1: On UCloud go to "Resources -> SHH-Keys -> Create SSH key"

Step 2: Paste pulic key, give a meaningful name and press "Add SSH key".

More information can be found in the UCloud documentation.

Start UCloud Job

Step 1: Start UCloud Job by filling out the necessary fields. Remember to check the "Enable SSH server" checkbox"

Step 2: When job ready please locate and copy the SSH address

Connect the using a Local Terminal App

Paste the SSH address into a terminal, press enter and follow a few intuitive steps.

Connect using Visual Studio Code (VScode)

Open Visual Studio Code (VScode)

Install "Remote - SSH" extension

Access remote UCloud Job

  • Press "Ctrl + shift + p" to open Command Palette
  • Search and press "Remote-SSH:Connect to Host..."
  • Press "Add New SSH Host..."

Paste UCloud Job SSH address and press Enter

Follow a few intuitive steps.

Run a Jupyter notebook (Through VSCode)

Install VScode Extension "Python" and "Jupyter" on remote machine

Activate a Conda Environment (Through VSCode)

#Running a new UCloud run the following lines in the terminal to activate Conda:
sudo ln -s /work/miniconda3/bin/conda /usr/bin/conda

# Initiate Conda and reboot 
conda init && bash -i

# Activate environment:
conda activate myenv

# Install ipykernel if not installed:

conda install ipykernel

python -m ipykernel install --user --name myenv --display-name "myenv"