Type 1 – Interactive HPC (UCloud)
The easiest-to-use HPC service is DeiC Interactive HPC (Type 1) also known as UCloud. This service is provided by the Danish universities SDU and AAU and consist of three HPC Facilites:
(SDU/K8) and (AAU/K8) provides CPU and GPU based containerized applications such as MATLAB, STATA, RStudio, and JupyterLab through a graphical user interface (GUI), in the same way as they would on your laptop. See all apps.
AAU provides primary GPU based virtual machines. Access is obtained through terminal and SSH. It is possible to set up interactive enviroments such as JupyterLab.
System specifications can be found here.
Login on UCloud¶
You can login on to UCloud using WAYF (Where Are You From). Press here to login.
- Select Copenhagen Business School as your affiliate institution on the login page.
- Sign in using your CBS mail account
Upon the first login it is necessary to approve the SDU eScience terms of service. Afterwards, the user is redirected to the UCloud user interface.
Note: After login the user can activate two factor authentication by clicking on the avatar icon in the top-right corner of the home screen.
Getting started¶
All new users in UCloud are awarded a "My Workspace" with 14.000 Core-Hours (CoreH) of computing (CPU only) resources to the "DeiC Interactive HPC (SDU)/K8", as well as 50 GB remote storage. You can use these resources to get acquainted with the system, run test jobs, etc.
The largest machine (64 cores & 384 GB memory) cost 64 coreH pr. hour. So the free 14.000 core hours will give you access to approx. 182 hours of inital run time.
For additional resources see here.
Start by watching the following UCloud tutorials:
- Manage Files and Folders
- Manage Applications
- Manage Projects
- Use Cases
- Webinars
- UCloud Documentation
More Tutorials and Documentation can be found here
User Support¶
All UCloud support should go through the RDM Support. If problems cannot be solved locally the CBS Front office will take contact to the UCloud system adminstrators (Back Office).
This setup provides a better service to users and saves valuable time for Back Office technicians who can concentrate on highly technical issues.
International Collaborators
International researchers need a "visiting researcher premission"(gæsteforskeradgang) to CBS to gain access to UCloud. One can be obtained by contacting CBS HR (hr@cbs.dk).
Once this is in place CBS HPC support will contact the UCloud Research Support Team and provide the below shown information.
Full name:
Organisation (University):
Email (University):
Subsequently, the UCloud Research Support Team will contact the researcher to verify their identity through a video meeting. A valid ID is needed.
License Software¶
There are several types of licensed software that can be run on UCloud.
A Matlab server license is needed in order to run the application on UCloud. Once can be acquired through CBS IT help desk at own expense.
- Matlab walkthrough starts at 16:00 minutes into the video.
- Shows how activate Matlab with a personal license.
Users can either upload their own personal STATA license (.lic file) to UCloud or apply for one through a UCloud Grant Application.
After being granted the license the user should perform the following steps.
Users can either upload their own personal SAS license (.txt file) or apply for one through a UCloud Grant Application.
After being granted the license the user should perform the following steps.